We require facilities that produce and transport our goods to use sustainable solutions to reduce overall environmental impact through waste reduction and resource conservation.
The Higg Index is an indicator-based tool that enables companies like ours to evaluate materials, products, and facilities based on key environmental impacts and ratings. We use the Higg Index to benchmark ourselves against our peer companies and make more sustainable choices when it comes to supply chain and facility performance. We require facilities (Tier 1, 2 and 3) that produce and transport our goods to use sustainable solutions to reduce overall environmental impact through waste reduction and resource conservation.
The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) is a sustainability self-assessment tool that standardizes how facilities measure and evaluate their environmental performance, year over year. A verified (vFEM) option is available as well to confirm the data provided in the self-assessment.
Kohl’s requires all facilities involved in the production of private and exclusive branded products or where Kohl’s is the importer of record to complete and submit the Higg FEM according to Kohl’s required timeline.